Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal

Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal

Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal


POSE is an incision-free weight loss procedure, which stands for Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal. This bariatric surgery reduces the capacity of the stomach so the patient feels fuller more quickly while eating small meals, ultimately achieving the desired weight loss.

What is POSE?

POSE is a new form of weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) which is performed by a scope or small camera passed through the mouth into the stomach, instead of incision on the abdomen. This procedure has already been successfully performed by a number of bariatric centers worldwide.

POSE procedure

The procedure needs to be performed by an experienced bariatric surgeon, it takes around 60 to 90 minutes to complete under general anesthesia. Special tools are used to create folds in the stomach which reduces the volume and the amount of food it can hold, thus causing the patient to feel fuller sooner.

The length of each patient´s hospital stay is determined by the consultant surgeon, and it usually requires an overnight stay. It is important that patients should follow the diet and exercise programmes provided by the nutritionist or dietician to achieve and maintain the full benefits of the procedure. The success of the procedure also relies on the ability of the patient to stop eating as soon as he or she feels full.

One of the best known benefits of POSE over other types of weight loss surgery is that there is no external scarring, plus this procedure is also reversible, should patient experience any problems.

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Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal
Benefits of POSE

POSE is an outpatient procedure that is performed through the mouth and does not require any incisions or cuts. It has a number of significant advantages over conventional bariatric surgery:

1. Minimally invasive

2. No external incisions or scars

3. Short recovery time

4. Safe procedure with fewer complications

5. Less post-operative pain

6. Reduces hunger drive

7. Achieves long-lasting weight loss results

Recovery after Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal

Most patients are able to return to work within a few days to a week, depending on the nature of the surgery. A sore throat, bloating and some nausea may be experienced by the patient initially, however these symptoms should settle quickly.

Following POSE procedure, the diet is restricted to liquids only for the first two days (i.e. water, juice, milk, thin soup, etc), and gradually the patient can resume normal diet over a short period of time. The ability to tolerate most types of food also improves slowly, although the volume of food that can be consumed becomes considerably reduced. The bariatric surgeon and his medical team, including specialist weight loss nurses and dietician support, will monitor the patient throughout the entire process, POSE treatment may also includes multiple follow-up appointments.

Risks and Considerations POSE

Patients should be aware that POSE procedure can cause temporary sore throat and nausea. All surgical procedures, no matter how carefully performed by experienced surgeons, carry some risks. It is very important to discuss this with the bariatric consultant right from the start, understanding and managing expectations whilst keeping in mind any possible associated risks.

Suitable candidate for Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal

One of the benefits of POSE over other weight loss procedures is that there is no external scarring and also this procedure is also reversible, should patient experience any problems.

The bariatric medical team carries out a full evaluation of the patient´s needs and circumstances individually, and provides a comprehensive explanation of any recommended treatment for each case. POSE procedure is usually offered to patients seeking weight loss surgery with a BMI (Body Mass Index) between 30 and 40. This procedure may not be suitable for people who already had previous complications following upper abdominal surgery.

Safety considerations POSE

All procedures have some risk involved, although no major complications have been reported during or after surgery. POSE procedure is fairly new and long-term data continues to grow as more and more procedures are carried out and new medical innovations are being integrated in this bariatric surgery.

Typical results POSE

It is perhaps too soon to estimate the success rate for POSE. However, it is usually well tolerated and patients will typically begin to experience weight loss in the first 4 weeks after surgery. The feeling of quick fullness comes right away, the success of the procedure depends (crucially) on the degree of commitment of the patient to follow the diet, exercise and nutritional advise as provided by the doctor and dieticians.

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